Introduction |
//Sorry, some of contents are in Japanese only.// |

Access to our lab.
- 小松空港からバスで金沢駅へ(約45分) (北陸新幹線かがやき号で東京駅から金沢駅は2時間30分)
- 金沢駅東口から,93,94,あるいは97番「金沢大学」行きバスで「自然研前」で下車(約40分)
- 自然研前バス停から自然科学研究棟本館入り口へ
- 案内板にて自然科学研究棟2号館を確認

Room #2A515(Nakano)/#2A514(Tanaka) /#2A512(Ishijima)
in the building of Natural Science and Technology
Mailing address:
Electric Power & Environmental laboratory
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kanazawa University
Kakuma, Kanazawa 920-1192, JAPAN
How to access Natural Science & Technology Building for our lab.:
#From Osaka-Kansai international airport to Kanazawa JR station:
-Please get on the express train named 'Haruka' on JR (Japan Railway) lines and get it off at 'Shin-Osaka' station (60min). At Shin-Osaka station, please change trains going to 'Kanazawa JR Station' (2h30min.).
#From Tokyo-Narita international airport to Kanazawa JR station:
-By aircraft:
Please take a limousine from Narita airport to Haneda airport where there
are domestic airlines. Please use a domestic aircraft to Komatsu airport
(45min). After getting to Komatsu airport, please take a bus to Kanazawa
JR Station (about 45 min.).
-By Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train
Please use a limited express from Narita airport to Tokyo Station or Ueno
Station (60min), where you should change trains to Hokuriku Shinkansen
to get to Kanazawa JR station (2h30min).
#From Kanazawa JR station:
-At Kanazawa Station please use a bus No.93, 94 or 97, which brings you
to the bus-stop 'Shizenken-mae' of Kanazawa University in 40 min.
-From the bus-stop 'Shizenken-mae', please enter the building of Natural
Science and Technology.
-In the building of Natural Science and Technology, you can find the access
route in the electronic guiding system to get to our lab.
1. 自然研前バス停から自然科学本館の正面玄関から入る。正面玄関は,両開きの自動ドア2枚 のところです。正面玄関がある階は「G2階(地2階)」です。※正面玄関付近に飲み物の自販機があります。
2. 正面玄関(G2階)を入ると,左手奥に大きな階段があります。その階段をのぼり切るとそこが1階です。
3.そこから道なりにまっすぐ20 m程度進むと頭上に「自然研2号館→」の表示が見えます。
How to access our lab. from the main entrance of Natural Science & Technology Building:
The general route is:
Main Entrance (G2 floor) → Upstairs to the 1st floor → Natural Science Research Building No. 2 (A Building) → Room 2A514
1.Inside the Main Entrance (G2 floor)
Upon entering the main entrance, you will find a large staircase on your left. Climb the stairs, and at the top, you will reach the 1st floor.
2.Proceed to the "2nd Building" of Natural Science & Technology
Continue straight for about 20 meters, and you will see a sign overhead reading " Natural Science & Technology Building No. 2.-->" Follow the sign and turn right. Enter through the door into the 2nd Building, which is the "A" Building.
3.Taking the Elevator
Once inside the A Building, you will immediately find an elevator. Take it to the 5th floor.
4.Navigating to the Room
After exiting the elevator at the 5th floor, turn right, then turn right again, following the hallway straight ahead. Continue walking, and make sure to look for rooms numbered 2A51* along the way. These numbers indicate rooms on the 5th floor of the "2A" Building.